“Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny! What we think we become.” 

————–Margaret Thatcher, first female British Prime Minister.

My mind becomes a fast track of speeding thoughts – good, sad, tempting, depressing, joyful, fearful, and a multitude of more. Negative thoughts multiply like rabbits.  More mental muscle is needed to conquer the negatives that impact my attitudes.  But I am learning as I do these three actions – 1) renew my mind, 2) take my thoughts captive, and 3) yield to the Holy Spirit.   

We can overcome the dark thoughts that fast track through our brains.  



In the original language of the New Testament, the Greek word for renew is ἀνακαινόω (anakainoó) “to make new.”  Change the way I think by moving my thoughts to a higher and more developed understanding.   God’s ever-transforming work in me will help me conquer those negative thoughts and transform them into better views.   

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.  Romans 12:2 NIV

To renew my mind is to transform it (like an automobile that is transformed into a boat) – a BIG transformation.   I have to will/choose to let go of that negative thought and replace it with a positive one.  

Romans 12 assures us that we can change our thinking.  We can make them new.

Find a scripture that speaks to your specific need.  Post it on your refrigerator, or the bathroom mirror.  Write it down.  Memorize it.  Read it out loud.  Transform negative thoughts through the power of God’s Word.    Feed your positive thoughts; starve your negative thoughts.

The Report from John Hopkins Medicine, “The Power of Positive Thinking,” says positive people were less likely to have a coronary event than their negative counterparts.  Positive people are more successful, happier, live longer, and have less stress and anger.   It’s a choice of the mind. As a Christian, we have a higher power available to renew our mind through God’s Word.



 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  2 Corinthians 10:4-6

Taking captive every thought is to “imprison” or “confine them – negative thoughts, arguments or fantasies, imaginations.   Someone imprisoned is no longer able to walk about but sequestered away, no longer free.  When we imprison (take captive) those thoughts they are no longer free to roam around in the brain. 

This takes practice!


In a music class at Mankato State, I was learning a drum beat pattern that was really tricky and extremely complicated.  I didn’t know if I could get it.  I did know that if I was going to conquer it, I had to get it in my brain, so it kicks into autopilot (knowing it so well it just happens). I remember practicing on the carpet with my drum sticks – no drum at my house.  After several days of practice, frustration, and what seemed impossible, I nearly gave up.  But then, somehow the practice kicked in, and I did it.  Once I did it, I could do it again, and again.  What a breakthrough! 

It took lots of practice to get that drum rhythm.  It takes practice to take captive negative thoughts and rethink those thoughts, and replace them with positive ones.  But it can be done! 


In the Waste Management Golf Tour in PHX AZ, 5 Ft 9 in, 150 pounds pro, Rickie Fowler, was leading until one of the unluckiest breaks of all time happened.  On the 11th hole, he hit his ball into the water. Then after he had placed it back into play, he received another penalty shot after his ball rolled back into the water.   Fowler’s reputation as someone who can’t close a tournament seemed to be consistent.  The announcer said Fowler needed a colossal mountain of positive mental thoughts to turn this around and win.  Apparently, he took those negative thoughts captive and exhibited steel mental muscle that won the tournament. 

Getting a hold on your thoughts can be the difference between winning or losing the mind war.  When I fortify my mind through the Scriptures and take captive negative thoughts, I will lead my emotions and feelings in ways that honor God and bring peace.    


“But the mind ruled by the Spirit brings life and peace” Romans 8:6 NIRV

It’s easy to dwell on an insult and keep thinking about it until it consumes my thinking.  These thoughts are pretty human, normal, but pretty negative.  These negative reruns can be overcome with the Spirit’s help and with my determination of renewing and taking captive those thoughts.  I yield my thinking to the Holy Spirit who is able to help and strengthen me.

Paul said it in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  

  • I can choose to replace anger as I remember God’s love for me.
  • I can choose to let go of fear as I remember that Jesus is bigger than anything I’m facing today. “God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).   
  • I can choose to trust God as I yield to the Holy Spirit. He will work all things together for my good (Romans 8:28).

God is not surprised by what is happening.  God knows every detail.  God has my best interest in mind.  We yield to the Holy Spirit as we choose to let our mind be filled with Scripture, worship songs, words of praise, prayer.  We ask for God’s help as we replace negative thoughts with positive ones.    

 “Fill your mind with things that are of good report, lovely, noble, right, true, and think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).   

When we yield the guilt, insecurity, hurt, and feeling inadequate, the Holy Spirit surrounds with comfort, peace, and assurance.  The Holy Spirit is our comforter, power, confidence, inner strength, sanctifier, and help. 

Romans 8:5 says, Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 

The Holy Spirit also grows the fruit of the Spirit in us– love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22).  I can be confident that God is working out for my good and transforming my character into a God-honoring one.  The fruits will grow and help me become stronger in having the “mind of Christ.”  That’s a mind that honors God.

In summary, look for the positive. It takes practice.  Smile more.  Take a breath.  Forgive. Memorize a Scripture. Keep working to be positive.   It takes work.  It takes time.  It takes repetition.  

I am assured God is working to build mental muscle in these three ways:

  • Renew my mind and change my thinking.
  • Take captive negative thoughts of fear, imaginations, stress, and anger, jealousy, or hurt. Imprison them so they can’t be running free. 
  • Yield to the Holy Spirit’s control.

I’m learning.  I’m still practicing building stronger mental muscle.  The more I do, the more I sense the peace of God.

 I set my mind on the Holy Spirit and my way of thinking changes.   Human reasoning is warped by sin – the mind of the flesh.  But as I yield, seek, and desire the things of God in my mind, I can be dominated by the Spirit, and the result is peace.  It’s an act of my will as I  yield to the Holy Spirit.

“But the mind ruled by the Spirit brings life and peace” Romans 8:6 NIRV


What are some of your secrets to conquering negative thoughts?  You can share in the comments.



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  1. Great reminder, Judy. Reframing our thoughts requires constant work and the Holy Spirit is more than happy to help. Can’t do it alone!