Finding Restoration after the Storm

Damage to the depths of our being caused by a betrayal, slanderous attacks, or a broken relationship wreaks havoc emotionally and spiritually. Feelings of worthlessness, remorse and depression accompany the pain. In such times, will peace ever come?

I love the scripture that gives us insight into how God restores us through the many trials of life.

What is the Meaning of A Suitable Helper ?

Even though God took one from Adam to form Eve, women and men have twelve pairs of ribs. God didn’t need a rib to create but made her part of him.  “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27 NIV).

Part 2 Do You Excuse Disobedience?

Saul was anointed and appointed by God the King of Israel.  His humility soon turned to pride and excuses for not obeying God’s commands. The proof of a good King was his obedience to God’s command and rejection of idol worship.  The same proof applies to us today.  Obedience to God is the key to our relationship and approval from God.  Overcoming excuses and pride takes work on our part but becomes easier the more we dwell in the Word, obey it, and grieve over sin. 


Excuses make me look better than I am, or cover up my sin and avoid the consequences of my actions. At times, it's easier to blame someone else for my lack of responsibility. "It's his fault I'm like I am." The story of Saul helps us see the problem of making excuses, a cover for self-pride. The opposite of making excuses is obeying God. As we grow in knowing God's Word and doing what He says, we can overcome our prideful excuses. Self-driven pride is something God hates. But, God loves the obedient.


With God's grace and help and humility (do not think more highly of yourself than you ought), becoming offended will be MINIMIZED, and becoming more like Jesus will be MAXIMIZED.

Part 6 The Holiness of Suffering – a Divine Purpose

The sixth and final part of this holiness series from 1st and 2nd Peter gives insight into how to respond to suffering.  Heather Moeckl McGee is sharing her testimony of surviving cancer and how her faith deepened.   As much as we try to avoid pain,  Peter helps us grasp the connection to deeper faith. as we rejoice THROUGH suffering,  follow the example of Jesus IN suffering,   and gain the favor and blessing of God FROM suffering.  

Part 4 Holiness – A Call to LOVE

Holiness changes us to the core.  God created us in His image.  Much like a baby who grows into an adult,  holiness grows the believer to be like God.  We won’t be all-knowing, or all-powerful, or unchangeable, His God-traits, but we will grow into HIs communicable attributes of love, forgiveness, and holiness.


I grabbed the wrong suitcase.  On a weekend ministry trip, my husband and I with four other students from North Central Bible College ministered in music and preaching at churches in the Midwest. We packed, grabbed suitcases, sound equipment, and headed out.  When we arrived at our room, I opened my suitcase to an unpleasant surprise.  Instead of my items of clothing,  I had grabbed my scrapbook suitcase - pictures, memories, dried flowers, and things from past special events.  Oh, no!  You can imagine my dilemma.  Nothing in that suitcase was essential for looking good on the platform at church.  


God chose Moses, a murderer, David, an adulterer, Jonah, a disobedient prophet,  Peter, a denier, and Paul, a persecutor of Christians. Each one, though imperfect, was chosen by God and transformed into a powerhouse of faith and maturity.  Moses led a nation out of slavery; David was King over Israel. Jonah obeyed and Ninevah repented, and Peter and Paul carried the gospel to their worlds.  

We, too, are chosen by God.  We are called to be holy.  Holiness is counterintuitive to human nature. It’s not identified on a resume or gained with financial success or titles.  Holiness is being “set apart” unto God, loving Him more than anything else in this world. read more