A Song in the Night Season

When tragedy hits, the Holy Spirit brings to remembrance what we have planted deep inside. A familiar melody, a scripture, or something personal that rises up within and produces peace during a night season.

CAN I BE HOLY? PART 1, Peters Example in the Struggle to be Holy

This is the first article in a six-part series on holiness from the books of First and Second Peter.  The word holy may seem lofty, unattainable, or restrictive. But God calls us to holiness, “Be holy because I am holy.”   Peter’s life gives us an example of how God turns an ordinary person like Peter, with doubts, fears, into a holy Christ-follower with unshakeable, obedient faith.  His life and writings give impetus to the truth that we, too, can live a holy life.

What Does “A Suitable Helper” Mean?

Women and men have twelve pairs of ribs, even though God took one from Adam to form Eve.  God didn’t need a rib to create but chose to make her a part of him. God designed a suitable helper so Adam wouldn't be alone. This uneventful word, “suitable” doesn’t possess a lot of class in itself, but when you look at the meaning God gave the woman, that changes everything!

PSALM 1 INTRODUCTION Word-Lovers VS World-Lovers.

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Psalm 1, Introduction

Having a passion for the Word becomes a lifestyle that reaps extravagant blessings from God!


 “Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny! What we think we become.” 

————–Margaret Thatcher, first female British Prime Minister.

My mind becomes a fast track of speeding thoughts – good, sad, tempting, depressing, joyful, fearful, and a multitude of more. Negative thoughts multiply like rabbits.  More mental muscle is needed to conquer the negatives that impact my attitudes.  But I am learning as I do these three actions – 1) renew my mind, 2) take my thoughts captive, and 3) yield to the Holy Spirit.    read more