Backstory: Jesus’ instructions to the Angel at the EmptyTomb

As the angel readied himself to carry out Jesus’ instructions to His followers, he felt a surge of joyful anticipation. The weight of the moment, the profound significance of the resurrection, and the eternal impact it would have on humanity filled him with excitement. He eagerly embraced his role as the messenger, knowing he carried news that would fill hearts and spirits with jubilation.

In the days leading up to the resurrection, betrayal and denial echoed through the halls of Jerusalem. Jesus, burdened by the knowledge of what was to come, spent his final hours in prayer, grappling with the weight of humanity’s salvation yet submitting His will to the Father’s plan. The faithful and obedient angel had witnessed the anguish etched on Jesus’ face as he knelt in the garden of Gethsemane, seeking the Father’s strength. Now, exuberant over heaven’s resurrection power, this celestial being prepared to carry out Jesus’ instructions. read more

Why is ‘Jesus Wept’ So Powerful?

tears on face of crop anonymous woman
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Life often presents us with overwhelming moments filled with grief, sorrow, and tragedy. During such times, finding solace in the knowledge that God truly cares and empathizes with us is remarkably comforting.

The shortest verse in Scripture, “Jesus wept” (John 11:35) defines much more than the sorrow of Jesus over the death of his friend, Lazarus. My article gives greater insight into the deep groaning of Jesus.

Read my published article here.

How Do Christians Cope with Death?

The death of a spouse, a child, or a close friend may seem more than a human heart can hold. Although we all will face death in time, how do we wrestle with it when it strikes a loved one?

My recent article is here:

purple crocus in bloom during daytime
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