How to Kick Anger in the Teeth

We’ve all experienced anger, whether a minor frustration or extreme rage. Anger, a natural emotion, can be healthy, beneficial, or destructive. It can spill out with words that bite like venom. Anger destroys relationships, galvanizes politicians, divides families, and separates friends.  

In our nation, the dominant emotion of anger is on the rise. A war of hate is burgeoning at the national level, threading through the corridors of life in states, cities, and homes. 

When anger comes to my house, how do I close the door on it? 

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Kicking Anger in the Teeth! (The Secret of Mastering Anger)

We’ve all experienced anger, whether it was a little frustration or an extreme rage.  Anger is a natural emotion that can be healthy, beneficial, or destructive.  It spills out with words that bite like venom.  Anger destroys relationships.  Anger galvanizes politicians, provokes neighborhood recreation boards, and divides families.  

In our nation, anger is an increasing, dominant emotion.  A war of hate is burgeoning at the national level, threading through the corridors of life in states, cities, and homes.  When anger comes to my house, how do I close the door on it?