Part 2 Do You Excuse Disobedience?

Part 2 Do You Excuse Disobedience?

In Part 1, Saul was anointed and appointed by God the King of Israel.  His humility soon turned to pride and excuses for not obeying God’s commands. The proof of a good King was his obedience to God’s command and rejection of idol worship.  The same proof applies to us today.  Obedience to God is the key to our relationship and approval from God.  Overcoming excuses and pride takes work on our part but becomes easier the more we dwell in the Word, obey it, and grieve over sin. 

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My granddaughter, who is four years old, is an expert in making excuses. When I asked if she was keeping her room clean, she said her playmate had been over and messed it up!  Children aren’t the only ones who make up excuses!  We all do it, but should we?  Excuses, in the story of Saul only disguised his disobedient heart towards God.  As old as the story of Adam and Eve, when God said don’t, they still did, each blaming the other. Their disobedience resulted in being driven away from God’s presence (Genesis 3).  

Excuses make me look better than I am, or cover up my sin and avoid the consequences of my actions. At times, it’s easier to blame someone else for my lack of responsibility. “It’s his fault I’m like I am.” The story of Saul helps us see the problem of making excuses, a cover for self-pride. The opposite of making excuses is obeying God. As we grow in knowing God’s Word and doing what He says, we can overcome our prideful excuses. Self-driven pride is something God hates. But, God loves the obedient.