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Lingering in the Lord’s Presence Reveals God’s Power and Glory

Often, we may think that lingering in God’s presence is not a good use of time. With many necessary responsibilities in a day, why linger? However, time in God’s presence brings many benefits. Our ears are open to hearing God’s voice, our eyes see the glory of God, our minds are renewed, and our hearts become transformed. And we gain the confidence that God wins our battles. Joshua is a good example for us. God’s glory and presence shaped Joshua’s life.


This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Psalm 1, Introduction

God promises abundant blessings to those who delight in and meditate upon His words. Blessed is the one, the recipient of the lavish gifts of God that supply all our needs and deepens faith.  God’s extravagant blessings touch our relationships, family, home, work, finances, and physical health.   God personally charts our path and leads us in the best ways.