Why Study the Bible?

I’ve started reading Living by the Book by Howard and William Hendricks (available on Amazon).  “The adventure of your life awaits!”  Although I’ve read through the Bible nearly 100 times from cover to cover, I still crave the Word.  This book is helping me develop better ways to observe, read, hear, interpret, and apply the Word to my everyday life.  Professor Hendricks presents three benefits of Bible Study — growth, obedience (maturity), and effectiveness.  And it’s available for anyone! No special skills required.  Dr. Hendricks says, “If you can read, you can glean important insight from Scripture.”

New Youtube Video, “Be Still,” Psalm 46:10

When the tragedies of life hit, there is a refuge in the infinitely perfect God. Even if mountains fall into the sea (that’s alarming and catastrophic), God is an ever-present help.  The Psalmist writes, “Therefore, we will not fear.  Whether the political disarray of our nation, the world concerns, the evil that abounds, or in our own tragedies of life, God says to “be still,” “stop” and “cease from striving,” “let go,” and know He is God.  Trust Him. God is not alarmed by the news. God is not surprised by the domination of corrupt people.  God is not unaware of what you are facing. The God who knows your thoughts and the number of hairs on your head is in command. The God who can boast in the resurrection, and created us in His image is more than able to be that “ever-present” help in trouble. 

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Often in reading scripture, it’s easy to quickly gloss over words and fail to see the deeper meaning.  In Psalm 18:2, our thoughts can anchor into the protection and deliverance God provides as a rock, fortress, deliverer, refuge, shield, horn, and stronghold.  Consider the deeper meanings of these symbolic words describing our Deliverer.


This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Psalm 1, Introduction

Psalm 1, verse 4, identifies the World-lovers. Their time is invested in what the world loves.  Psalm 1 describes these World-lovers as chaff that quickly blows away with the slightest breeze.  

Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.
Therefore the wicked will not (be able to) stand in the judgment,
    nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. Psalm 1:4-5

Our culture, once defined as a Christian nation built upon the principles of Scripture


This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Psalm 1, Introduction

God promises abundant blessings to those who delight in and meditate upon His words. Blessed is the one, the recipient of the lavish gifts of God that supply all our needs and deepens faith.  God’s extravagant blessings touch our relationships, family, home, work, finances, and physical health.   God personally charts our path and leads us in the best ways. 

PSALM 1 INTRODUCTION Word-Lovers VS World-Lovers.

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Psalm 1, Introduction

Psalm 1 affirms there are two kinds of people – those who delight in the WORD, and those who enjoy in the WORLD.  Word-lovers delight, meditate, and live by God’s Word in every decision through the day.  They are hungry for Scripture.  They thrive through good and bad days and have God’s blessings. Time in the Word builds faith (Romans 10:17), truth (John 8:31-32), and renewal (Romans 12:2).  Word-lovers receive the promise of God’s blessing as they delight in and meditate on the Word (more about this in Psalm 1, Part Two).   Having a passion for the Word becomes a lifestyle that reaps extravagant blessings from God!