Midwest to Arizona: Having grown up in the Midwest, my husband and I moved to southern Arizona in 2017, embarking on a new retirement chapter after years in church ministry. While leaving behind our two incredible sons and their wonderful families was undoubtedly difficult, the call to adventure in a new location and anticipating God’s plan for us propelled us forward.

Our journey from Minnesota spanned 1,644 miles, leading us to our new home’s breathtaking landscapes and captivating ecosystem. Here, amidst the finest weather in the nation, we find ourselves embraced by the beauty and wonder of our surroundings.

Reason for this Blog: When I neglect reading the Scriptures, following Jesus becomes challenging. The more I engage with Scripture, as someone said, God’s mind on paper, the deeper my love for Him grows. Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’ (John 8:31-32). My deepest desire is to follow Him authentically, and I am committed to inspiring others to do the same.

Calling: I discovered my calling to ministry as a young girl. To prepare, I attended North Central Bible College and married my soulmate, John. Together, we entered full-time ministry. Over the years, we’ve served faithfully in Assemblies of God and Methodist churches across the Midwest.

Ordained with the Assemblies of God, I was privileged to serve as the Lead Pastor for a decade in New Prague, MN, and Jordan, MN. Our final terms saw us co-pastoring, wrapping up our pastoral journey with unity and shared vision.

Santa Rita Mountains from our house

Passion for Scripture: I have a deep passion for music, but my love for God’s Word is equally
profound. It never fails to astound me how the words of God leap off the page
as if in bold print. Truly, the Word is alive and powerful (Hebrews 4:12).

Years ago, a seminar speaker challenged my husband and me to become avid
readers of the Bible, covering it from beginning to end. He promised it would
revolutionize our lives. Here’s our story—I hope it inspires you, too! Check
out my post here: I Took The Challenge, Will You!

Writer: In 2022, I began writing for Christianity.com online magazine. You can read
my articles here.

In 1991, I was a guest piano soloist for an audience of over 10,000 people
at the General Council of the Assemblies of God in Portland, Oregon.

During my time with the South Metro Chorale, I served as an accompanist, vocal soloist, and assistant to the Director. Our musical journey included
performances at community concerts and a memorable tour through England, Germany, Austria, and Wales for the World Competition.

Church Ministry: My journey with music began at the tender age of 11 when I started playing for church services. Fueled by my love for the piano and a natural ear for music, I embarked on a lifelong path of worship. From heartfelt melodies to intricate arrangements for choirs and orchestras, my passion for music poured into various church productions—from Singing Christmas Trees to Easter Pageants, Worship orchestras, Children’s musicals, and Teen Tours. I am dedicated to using these gifts to honor Him

In my music ministry today, you’ll discover a collection of piano and instrumental arrangements, breathtaking videos of timeless hymns, piano solos, seasonal music, patriotic videos, and some original worship compositions sung in our churches over the years. I invite you to listen and let a time of worship enrich your day. https://www.youtube.com/user/judymceachran

Faculty: Besides pastoring in Aberdeen, South Dakota, I had the privilege of teaching piano and music theory at Trinity Bible College in Ellendale, North Dakota. At North Central University (formerly North Central Bible College), I taught piano and voice, served as the Administrator of the Music Department, and worked alongside Department Chair Larry Bach. I also had the honor of accompanying the premier choir, the Chorale, on their tour of Israel.

Writer: In 2022, I began writing for Christianity.com online magazine. You can read my articles here.

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